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Online Critical Thinking



Tuworld proudly announces the launch of our Online Critical Thinking and Expression Course! This groundbreaking program is dedicated to cultivating diverse thinking and expressive abilities in adolescents. By engaging in deep reading, analyzing classic movies, and commenting on current affairs, we encourage children to ponder their relationships with themselves, others, and the world.

In our virtual classroom, we adopt a small group discussion format and critical teaching methods. Our aim is to impart practical thinking tools that help students establish interdisciplinary connections, improve communication skills, and embrace a multifaceted value system. This, in turn, enhances their reading and writing capabilities. The course covers a wide range of topics, including self-expression, understanding money, technology awareness, personal growth, resilience, dreams, and friendship.

We believe in the power of gamified teaching and interactive learning. Our classroom is a dynamic space where each child has the opportunity to express themselves freely and is respected for their unique perspectives.

  The curriculum is carefully designed to make learning not just educational but exciting and engaging. Each session is an adventure into a new realm of thought and expression. For instance, while discussing a classic film, students don't just watch; they dive into the director's mind, explore the historical context, and debate the film's themes and their relevance today.

Our deep reading sessions are more than just going through the text. Students learn to analyze, question, and draw parallels with their own lives. They engage in spirited discussions, learning to respect diverse viewpoints while articulating their own thoughts clearly and confidently.

Understanding current affairs is another critical aspect of our course. Here, students learn to navigate the complex world of news and media. They learn to discern fact from opinion, develop informed viewpoints, and articulate their thoughts on various global issues.

In the realm of personal growth and resilience, students are encouraged to reflect on their experiences, challenges, and aspirations. They engage in activities and discussions that foster self-awareness and emotional intelligence.

Moreover, our course takes a unique approach to teaching financial literacy and technology awareness. We break down these often-intimidating subjects into relatable, manageable concepts, helping students to understand and navigate the modern world effectively.

The highlight of our course is the interactive, game-based learning approach. This methodology ensures that learning is fun, engaging, and highly effective. It allows students to experience real-life scenarios in a controlled, playful environment, fostering deeper understanding and retention.

At Tuworld, we don't just teach; we inspire. We're not just educators; we're facilitators of a journey of discovery and growth. Our Online Critical Thinking and Expression Course is more than a class – it's a transformative experience that prepares young minds for the challenges and opportunities of the future. Join us on this exciting journey, where learning is redefined and every child's voice is heard and valued.

Frequency Ask Question ?
What is Game-based learning?
Game-based learning is an educational approach where games are used as a medium to teach concepts and skills. This method combines gameplay with educational content, allowing students to learn and practice new knowledge in an engaging and interactive environment. It often includes elements like problem-solving, storytelling, and competition, making learning more enjoyable and memorable. Game-based learning can be digital or physical and is effective for various age groups and subjects, promoting critical thinking, collaboration, and practical application of skills.
What are the disadvantages of traditional exam-oriented education?
Traditional exam-oriented education often prioritizes rote memorization over critical thinking and creativity. This approach can lead to a narrow focus on test scores, neglecting holistic development. Students may experience high stress and limited skill sets, lacking real-world problem-solving abilities. It stifles intellectual curiosity and personal interests, creating a learning environment more about passing exams than fostering a love for knowledge and lifelong learning. This system can also perpetuate inequality, as success is often linked to resources available for exam preparation, rather than a student's true potential or passion.
Why do our courses incorporate content focused on children's psychological growth?
Children's psychological growth is crucial as it lays the foundation for their overall well-being and future development. Healthy mental development fosters self-esteem, resilience, and social skills, enabling children to cope with challenges and build strong relationships. It influences their learning abilities, creativity, and emotional regulation, impacting academic success and personal happiness. Early psychological growth sets the stage for mental health in adulthood, making it essential for a fulfilling and productive life. Neglecting this aspect can lead to long-term issues, underscoring the importance of nurturing a child's mental and emotional health from an early age.
What is the significance of critical thinking in a child's development?
Critical thinking positively impacts children's future achievements by enhancing their ability to analyze information, solve complex problems, and make informed decisions. It fosters creativity, innovation, and independence, crucial for success in an ever-changing global environment. By developing these skills early on, children learn to approach challenges with a strategic and open mind, adapt to new situations, and think outside the box. This foundational skill set not only prepares them for academic success but also equips them for diverse career opportunities and life-long personal growth, making them well-rounded, capable individuals.
What are the obstacles to innovative education?
Current obstacles to innovative education include a traditional mindset that prioritizes rote learning over creative thinking, limited access to resources and modern technology, and a lack of teacher training in new educational methodologies. Educational systems often resist change due to bureaucratic structures and standardized testing pressures. There's also a challenge in balancing technological integration with personal interaction and the need for developing socio-emotional skills. Furthermore, disparities in economic and social conditions can widen the gap in educational opportunities, hindering the widespread adoption of innovative teaching practices and technologies.
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Event Manager
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Zomla Alex
Event Manager
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Zomla Alex
Event Manager
We are a group of optimistic pragmatists and idealists. Among us, there are fathers, mothers of two, passionate educators, overseas wanderers enriched by diverse cultures, and so-called successful Silicon Valley entrepreneurs.
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Telephone: (922) 3354 2252
Time: 9.00am-4.00pm
1245 Rang Raod, medical, E152 95RB
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